Multiple students in Alabama post racist songs online [Offensive Content]
Multiple students in Alabama post racist songs online [Offensive Content]
Racism concerns mocked, dismissed by white school board member in Alabama [VIDEO]
A white school board member (all-white school board) mocks and dismisses black parent for mentioning that black kids are afraid to report racism in their school district. [VIDEO]
Black kids are 3 times more likely to get arrested than white kids in...
Black kids 3 times more likely to get arrested than white kids. [Daphne, Alabama]
Did racist student get accepted to, receive scholarship to University of Alabama?
In October 2017, Independent Press Journal (IPJ) reported on two students at Spanish Fort High School in Alabama who created racist songs and posted them online.
Sources at Spanish...
Racist Curriculum Approved, Parents & NAACP Outraged, Demand Racist Teacher Is Fired
Baldwin County School Board (Alabama) has admitted to doing absolutely nothing about a teacher who has been teaching a racist curriculum to students for approximately 10 years.
A teacher’s biased assignment: From ‘printed’ to ‘retracted’ in less than 6 hours
You may think you've heard this story before, but you really haven't. It's worth noting that this report, as well as those that follow, are about much more than just a reading assignment. Let's start at the beginning though.
Billionaires who backed Rick Snyder are now backing Joe Biden
Rick Snyder served as the Governor of Michigan between 2011-2019. Snyder is infamous for his role in the lead-contamination of the water supply in...
Landlord admits to monitoring tenant’s phone records, and reading tenant’s emails
Swope specifically indicated that that he had gained access to those records because the law firm is a tenant in his building and because the attorney’s phone lines go through his system...
15-year-old black student arrested, Police refuse to give parents official reports
15-year-old black student arrested in Daphne Alabama, Police refuse to give parents official reports
EXPOSED: The Anti-Government, Government teacher [PowerPoint Slides]
This report exhibits some of Ponder's anti-government teachings, and does not include his teachings regarding more controversial subjects such as political parties, gender equality and race discrimination. IPJ will be covering these topics in future reports.